If you have found this page you must be looking for help with your website SEO.
Google is the most popular search engine followed by Bing and Yahoo. Getting on the first page of google is often highly sought after by most people with a website!
I provide white hat (ethical) SEO to help your business be found.
On-Page SEO
On-page SEO is basically things you can do with web page content and layout to make your website search engine friendly.
Using keyword descriptive headers H1, H2, H3 etc.
Alt tagging images so that search engines know what your images contain.
Writing unique content for every page that includes keywords.
Internal and external links.
Page title and meta descriptions.
Off-Page SEO
Off-page SEO is things you can do off your website that will help your rankings.
Social media profiles with links back to your website
Back links from other relevant websites in the same industry